Projects of Workshop in Easy Method for Enginnering Students


10 Best Electronics Workshop for Engineering Students

10 Best Electronics Workshop for Engineering Students

When I was a student, I really enjoyed participating in workshops and building projects. I learnt a lot of things in a very interesting way while doing workshops. Now, I am working in a company which is India's Biggest in providing workshops and I am very happy to see how much impact we are creating in the lives of students through high quality workshops.

As part of my job, I interact with a lot of faculty and student organizers from all over the country. I, and my team members, have had numerous conversations with senior faculties, HODs, Deans and Principals of engineering colleges all over India. Our CEO is on the board of studies of few colleges and also contributed to an AICTE paper on Curriculum Design and he has interacted with even larger number of people from academia.

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From our experience, although faculty and students all over the country know the importance of practical learning, they often face a number of challenges implementing it and conducting great workshops. Many of them did it in the wrong way in the past, worked with second grade companies and had a bitter experience.

The biggest challenge is in the first step - selecting the right topic for Electronics Workshops. If we select a too complex Electronics topic, students (especially in 1-2 years) might not learn well, select something too easy and students get bored and feel not challenging enough. So we need to select the right topic. If possible – conduct multiple workshops for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students with varying complexity so all of them will have a great experience. Also keep the workshop topic closer to real-life problem statement so that students understand that they are learning to use technology to solve a problem.

I am listing below some good Electronics Workshops topics which students found useful and for which we got great feedback from faculty.

Latest projects on Electronics

Want to develop practical skills on Electronics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

1. Workshop on Automated Railway Crossing:

Automated Railway Crossing Workshop for Engineering Students

This particular project is actually a solution to a real-life problem which results in a number of accidents all over the world. We have been hearing lot of news lately regarding the number of people losing lives, vehicles getting into accident at the unmanned railway gates etc. By doing this electronics workshop you will be able to design an efficient solution for the real-life problem statement.

You will practically learn the concepts behind the Embedded Systems, IR sensors working & calibrations and also microcontroller programming during the workshop and build a device that can be used to automatically open/ close the railway gates. This course is ideal for 2nd year electronics students who are just learning or about to learn microcontroller. It will show them how important it is and how it can be used in real life. This gives them a motivation to do the course well and understand it well.

During the workshop you will get hands-on experience on the following components,

  1. IR Sensor - It will detect the arrival/ departure of the train
  2. Micro-controller - It will act as the brain of the system and processes the data from the sensor
  3. D.C motors - This will be used to facilitate the opening and closing of gates
Know more about the Automated Railway Crossing Workshop

2. Animatronics Hand Workshop:

Animatronics Hand Workshop for Engineering Students

Animatronics hand project is an application of mechatronics technology and it is being widely used in industries to mimic the action of animals and human through electronic devices. You will practically learn to build an animatronic hand that can mimic the actions of the wearer. You will also learn the concepts behind Animatronics, Flux sensor calibrations and working of servo motors during the workshop. This electronics workshop is recommended to 3rd year students who wants to learn and experience a new technology, as mechatronics is an upcoming technology students will find this both interesting and as well as useful.

You will get hands-on experience on the following components,

  1. Flux Sensors - This will be attached to a glove to record the hand movement
  2. Arduino Uno - It will acts as the Brain of the system & process the signals from sensor
  3. Servo Motors -This gets the voltage input from Arduino & facilitates the movement of hand
Know more about the Animatronics Hand Workshop

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3. Workshop on GPS & GSM based Tracker Device:

GPS & GSM based Tracker Device Workshop for Engineering Students

From logistics service to tracking your taxi/ bus, all of these use GPS technology to pinpoint the location. Knowing this technology will help you to develop skills on them and build more innovative projects when you progress in your career. You will practically learn to build an electronic device that can be used to track any vehicle that it attached to and you will also learn the concepts behind GPS & GSM technology, Arduino Architecture & its programming. This electronics workshop will be ideal for 3rd & 4th year students who needs to know various technologies, so that they can use the skill gained to build innovative engineering projects.

During the workshop you will get hands-on experience on the following components,

  1. GPS Module - To get the location coordinates of the device that it is integrated to
  2. GSM Module - It will be used to send the update to the user as a sms
  3. Arduino Uno -Acts as the brain of the system and controls the process.
Know more about the Workshop on GPS & GSM based Tracker Device

4. Smart Irrigation System using IoT Workshop:

Smart Irrigation System using IoT Workshop for Engineering Students

Internet of Things (IoT) is an upcoming technology which is going to revolutionize all the electronic gadgets that we see today in the coming years. By attending this workshop you will practically learn about the concepts behind Internet of Things (IoT), WiFi communication, Arduino Architecture and its programming. You will be guided to build an electronic device that can detect the moisture variation in the soil and can switch On/ Off based on a threshold value. As this is an upcoming technology and not really included in the curriculum, students pursuing 2nd & 3rd year can undergo the training for better understanding of this technology.

During the workshop you will get hands-on experience on the following components,

  1. Soil Moisture Sensor - This will be used to sense the moisture change in the soil
  2. Arduino Uno - It will acts as the brain of the system and sends voltage to the water pump
  3. WiFi Module - This will be integrated to the system, so that the user can get updates remotely
  4. Water Pump - It receives the voltage from Arduino and turn ON/ OFF the water flow.
Know more about the Smart Irrigation System using IoT Workshop

5. IoT using Arduino Workshop:

The project that you will build during the workshop is an application of Internet of Things (IoT). Reports states that the IoT Technology is going to transform into a multi-trillion dollar market and more than 50 billion devices will be connected to Internet using this technology by 2020. So building projects on this technology will help you to understand it better.
By attending this workshop you will practically learn about the concepts behind Internet of Things (IoT), WiFi communication, Sensor calibration and Arduino Architecture. This course is ideal for 2nd & 3rd years who will be learning or already learnt about the microprocessors, as Arduino is an open source microcontroller students will be able to understand the theoretical concepts by building projects on it.

During the workshop you will get hands-on experience on the following components,

  1. DHT Sensor - It will detect the temperature/ humidity changes in the environment
  2. Arduino Uno - It will act as the brain of the system and processes the data from the sensor
  3. WiFi Module - This will be used to integrate the system onto cloud and send updates to user
Know more about the IoT using Arduino Workshop

6. Robotic Arm Workshop:

Robotic Arm Workshop for Engineering Students

Robotics is being widely adapted in the industries of today to increase their operational efficiency. Robotic arm is one such mechatronics application that can operate autonomously to handle the industrial process that needs more physical effort/ contagious in nature. By attending this workshop you will practically learn about the concepts behind the Mechatronics, Accelerometer sensors, Servo motors, Arduino Architecture & its programming and build a robotic arm that can do the action of Pick/ Place controlled by hand gestures. Students pursuing 3rd & 4th year should attend this course to get hands-on experience on Mechatronics to improve their multi-disciplinary core engineering skills.

During the workshop you will get hands-on experience on the following components,

  1. ADXL Accelerometer Sensor - It will be used to detect the human gestures (3 axis)
  2. Arduino Uno - Acts as the brain and process the signals coming from the ADXL sensor
  3. Servo Motors – Multiple of them will be used to facilitate individual arm movements
Know more about the Robotic Arm Workshop

7. Persistence of Vision Workshop:

Persistence of Vision Workshop for Engineering Students

The LED displays that we see at different locations like Railway Stations, Bus Stands, Markets etc., is an application of this project itself. You will practically learn to build a LED based POV display using an Arduino that can display the programmed letters by the action of high rpm motors. This course will be ideal for 2nd year students who just entered the department and can get an overview of the microcontroller and its programming and use the skills to develop good mini projects.

During the workshop you will get hands-on experience on the following components,

  1. Arduino Uno - To program the letters to be displayed & send signals to the LED's
  2. 1000 RPM DC Motors - It is used to rotate the board with LED's at high speed
  3. LED's – It will receive the signals from Arduino and blink accordingly
Know more about the Persistence of Vision Workshop

8. Access Control using RFID Workshop:

RFID is a technology that is used for exchanging information wirelessly with the use of electromagnetic fields. The application of this technology is endless, from authentication system for security purpose to authentication in Toll-gates. You will practically learn to build an electronic device that will be integrated with a RFID module that can scan the RFID tags and facilitates the authentication process. This electronics workshop will be ideal for 4th year engineering students as they will be studying about wireless communication and can use the skills to build innovative engineering projects.

During the workshop you will get hands-on experience on the following components,

  1. RFID Reader – It will be used to scan the code that is integrated on the RFID Tag
  2. RFID Tags – the code will be integrated on to this tag for authorization
  3. Micro-controller – to get the signals from the RFID reader and process it
  4. DC Motors – receives the signals and facilitate opening/ closing of the gates
Know more about the Access Control using RFID Workshop

9. Biometric based Authentication Workshop:

Biometric based Authentication Workshop for Engineering Students

Biometric devices are employed for the highest level of security as they involve the scanning of biological organs like eyes, fingers, etc. By doing this electronics workshop you will learn to build an electronic device that will have a bio-metric scanner that can identify the pattern of the organ and a processing unit, which compares them with pre-stored values for allowing access. This course will be ideal for 3rd year engineering students as they will be learning more about the authentication and automation technologies in their curriculum.

During the workshop you will get hands-on experience on the following components,

  1. Finger Print Scanner – it can scan the finger print and give a digital value for it
  2. Arduino Uno – acts as the microcontroller and does the verification
  3. LCD Display – to display the authentication message
Know more about the Biometric based Authentication Workshop

10. Heath Monitoring Glove Workshop:

Heath Monitoring Glove Workshop for Engineering Students

Wearable Technologies are devices which can be worn by the user & simultaneously process and display relevant information on the wearer. You will practically learn to build a wearable glove that will be integrated with a pulse sensor, which can be used to get the pulse value of any individual. By doing this workshop you will practically understand the concepts behind Wearables, Lilypad Arduino Architecture & its programming and Pulse sensor calibration. This electronics workshop is recommended to final year electronics students as need to know about the upcoming technologies to develop their core skills before their placement drives.

During the workshop you will get hands-on experience on the following components,

  1. Lilypad Arduino – it is miniature Arduino which can be integrated on to the fabric
  2. Pulse Sensor Amped – used to detect the pulse and send the info to the microcontroller
  3. TM1637 Display – used to display the processed value coming from the Arduino
Know more about the Heath Monitoring Glove Workshop

Organize a workshop in your college in association with Skyfi Labs

In case you are interested to attend a electronics workshop but not able to find one, you can conduct a electronics workshop in your college itself in association with Skyfi Labs. We at Skyfi Labs have developed some amazing hands-on training programs that helps you to learn and build electronics projects in the most simplest way. Our team will be coming to your college upon inviting along with the kits and necessary material and help you to build electronics projects practically. The Innovative learning methodology which we follow not only helps you to build electronics projects but ensures you are learning while doing so.
In case you are interested to learn and build the electronics project at your home itself, you can enroll for our online courses and build the project from any part of the Earth.

Request to Organize a Electronics Workshop in your College
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10 Best Electronics Workshop for Engineering Students
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-14


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