Does Internet Upload Speed Affect Watching Youtube Videos?

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You thought you got the fastest internet speed on the market when suddenly, you get to upload a video to Facebook and your cyberspace slows to a crawl. Enter the spinning wheel of doom. You've just encountered the wrath of slow internet upload speeds.

How internet speed works

Internet speeds are measured by how much data your cyberspace connectedness can transfer per 2nd, which is megabits of data per second (Mbps). The internet speeds you see in Mbps measure the rate at which a provider delivers internet information to and from your dwelling house (commonly referred to as download speed).

Information also goes in two directions — y'all download and upload information from the cyberspace, so each cyberspace connectedness will have download speeds and upload speeds.

The difference between download vs. upload speeds

Download speed refers to how many megabits of data per 2d it takes to download information from a server in the form of images, videos, text, files and sound to your device. Activities such equally listening to music on Spotify, downloading large files or streaming videos on Netflix all require you lot to download data.

Upload speed refers to how fast you lot can transport information from your computer to another device or server on the internet. While downloading data is more mutual, some online activities need data to travel in the opposite management. Sending emails, playing alive tournament-style video games and video calling on Zoom require fast upload speeds for you to transport data to someone else's server.

What is a good download speed?

In general, speeds of at least 25 Mbps are considered skillful download speeds since they meet the minimum broadband threshold set by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Keep in mind though that the number of devices, cyberspace users and their online activities in your home tin can change what's considered a proficient download speed for your household.

What is a good upload speed?

In general, upload speeds of 3 Mbps are considered good because they run into the FCC's minimum standard. If y'all or anyone in your household regularly uploads videos to YouTube or works from home, though, you lot may need a plan with higher upload speeds.

What is internet bandwidth?

Bandwidth is kind of similar a highway — the more lanes you have, the more than room you lot give to traveling cars, which lets cars get faster and allows a higher volume of cars through to their destination.

Mbps is a skillful indicator of how much bandwidth your home Wi-Fi connection has. The more internet bandwidth y'all have, the college your volume of data that tin be downloaded at a reasonable pace. And y'all can increment the speed at which the data travels because more than of information technology can flow.

So what kind of bandwidth practice you need?

When you consider what internet speeds you lot demand for various activities, you should take into account both download and upload speeds. Depending on what your favorite online activities are, one may be more important than the other.

Download and upload speed offers from summit ISPs

Many internet providers offer cyberspace plans with faster download speeds than upload. For instance, AT&T download and upload internet speeds tin can have equally much as an 400 Mbps difference between upload vs. download speed.

Who has the fastest internet upload and download speeds

The net speed you lot need depends heavily on your online activities and how many cyberspace users you have at domicile.

As you think well-nigh what activities y'all use the internet for at dwelling house, you may determine that having fast upload speeds is more of import than download speeds. Y'all may find that you don't really need fast upload speeds and only want fast download speeds that can handle streaming on multiple devices.

Provider internet download and upload speeds

Why net upload speeds are wearisome and download speeds are fast

About providers focus on download speed vs. upload speed because the majority of online activities need more download bandwidth than upload bandwidth. Equally you'll see below, most common online activities rely heavily on fast download speeds.

Since other activities that call for uploading information still require information to travel in both directions, the average person consistently needs college download speeds than upload.

Nevertheless, fiber internet connections are a unique exception. Fiber internet providers frequently offer upload internet speeds that mirror download speeds.

Activities that rely on download speed

The following common activities rely more on download speeds:

  • Watching a Netflix movie or show
  • Shopping online
  • Scrolling through social media
  • Viewing YouTube videos
  • Reading online articles
  • Streaming music services

Activities that rely on upload speed

Some activities do require a bit of upload bandwidth, though. Without adequate bandwidth, some of the following activities could result in slowed internet speeds or buffering:

  • Video calls or conferences
  • Alive tournament-style gaming
  • Sending emails with large attachments
  • Backing up data to online or cloud storage services
  • Uploading videos to social media
  • Working on live, cloud-hosted documents like Google Sheets or Docs

Use a speed test to check your download and upload speed

You can find out what your internet upload speed is and measure your download speed by using a free internet speed examination. A speed test will measure both upload and download rates. We recommend testing internet speeds in multiple parts of your home to check consistency and see if you need to boost your Wi-Fi connection at abode.

Your speed examination results:

Download Speeds

888 Mbps

Upload Speeds

88 Mbps

Allconnect icon

Pro Tip: For best results, utilise an Ethernet cord to connect your router or modem directly to your device earlier you run the examination.

No matter what your results are, it's important to annotation that most people do not experience maximum speeds at home. This can be attributed to the number of other people on the network who utilise up bandwidth, how Wi-Fi signals weaken through a abode and many other factors that can slow internet speeds.

Joe Supan

Written past:

Joe Supan

Senior Writer, Broadband Content

Joe Supan is a senior author for Allconnect. He has helped build the proprietary metrics used on Allconnect's review pages, utilizing thousands of data points to assist readers navigate these complex decisions. … Read more

Robin Layton

Edited by:

Robin Layton

Editor, Broadband Content

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