Read the Writing on the Wall Paul Simon

—  Paul Simon

Vocal lyrics, There Goes Rhymin' Simon (1973)

Adopted from Wikiquote. Terminal update Sept. xiv, 2021.

Paul Simon photo

Paul Simon 116

American musician, songwriter and producer 1941

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„All I knew was that I'd flunked the third grade twice because I couldn't learn to read, had a terrible time all through grammer school and high school. Then after ten years of writing, I was finally able to sell my first book to a leading mass-market paperback publisher in New York."

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Therefore I call back I am not in the dark;
Nor doth this wood lack worlds of visitor,
For you in my respect are all the world:
Then how can it be said I am lone,
When all the earth is here to look on me?"

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—  Ursula Grand. Le Guin American writer 1929 - 2018

Source: Earthsea Books, The Other Wind (2001), Chapter v, "Rejoining" (p. 286)

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„I know that when I write, I'g writing for people who can handle high-schoolhouse math, read at the Grade 12 level, and capeesh subtle sense of humour as opposed to the toilet-bowl kind. I guess that makes the lower cutoff about 17-18 years old."

—  Sean Punch Canadian editor 1967

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—  Sophia Loren Italian actress 1934

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Though poor the off'band be;
My heart and lute are all the store
That I can bring to thee."

—  Thomas Moore Irish poet, vocalizer and songwriter 1779 - 1852

My Heart and Lute.
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. (1919)


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